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Shore Property Inspections

Inspection Services

Shore Property Inspections provides reliable home inspections to meet your needs in Maryland & Delaware. Schedule your inspection today!

Buy-Back Guarantee Is Included
Buy-Back Guarantee Is Included

Shore Property Inspections  offers thorough, trusted home inspections backed by InterNACHI’s Buy-Back Guarantee. If I miss a covered item, InterNACHI® will buy the home—valid for 90 days post-closing. Full details at

Full Home Inspection

I will inspect your home, provide a thorough report and recommendations for peace of mind. Safeguard your investment with a detailed inspection.

Radon Gas Test

Radon, a leading cause of lung cancer, occurs naturally and can be present in one out of 15 homes at dangerous levels. Surgeon General and EPA recommend testing all houses. Join millions who have tested their homes for radon.

Infrared Inspection

I see what other inspectors cannot with my thermal imaging camera. An infrared inspection detects energy loss, moisture intrusion, and electrical hot spots for enhanced safety and efficiency.

Water Inspection

Ensure your family's health with my water supply test inspection. I will check for harmful bacteria, including coliform, in private wells, cisterns, and septic systems.

Annual Home Inspection

Identify issues, plan upkeep, and maintain your home's condition. New or experienced, stay on top with my inspection.

Roof Inspection

I identify damage, leaks, and deterioration, providing a detailed roof inspection for informed decisions and long-term durability. Gain peace of mind with my roof inspection.

Pre-Drywall Inspection

Ensure construction quality and compliance with a Pre-Drywall Inspection. I inspect components, uncover hidden issues, and prioritize industry standards, code compliance, and design specifications for peace of mind.

Moisture Inspection

Prevent water damage with our Moisture Intrusion Inspections. This inspection helps you identify moisture sources to prevent mold, structural damage, and compromised air quality. My detailed report also provides repair recommendations and mitigation strategies.

Plumbing Inspection

Thorough plumbing inspections. I inspect pipes, fixtures, and connections for leaks, clogs, and potential issues. Ensuring proper functioning and prevent water damage.

Private Well Inspection

Protect your water source with a thorough Well Inspection. When inspecting well components and water quality, I identify issues and risks that might be present in the well.

New Construction Inspection

Ensure your new home meets high standards with a New Construction Inspection. I uncover defects, code violations, and potential issues, inspecting structural components, electrical systems, plumbing, and more.

Repair Inspection

Achieve peace of mind with my Repair Verification service. I confirm proper repairs in your home, ensuring adherence to industry standards. Trust me for detailed verification, guaranteeing your home's optimal condition.

Deck Inspection

Ensure deck safety with our thorough deck inspections. Skilled inspectors inspect materials, supports, and connections for potential hazards and damage.

Electrical Inspection

Ensure electrical safety with an Electrical Inspection. I identify hazards, outdated systems, and code violations. Trust my detailed report and recommendations to ensure safety and efficiency for peace of mind.

Manufactured Home Foundation Inspections

Get a Manufactured Home Foundation Inspection to ensure your home meets HUD/FHA, VA, or conventional loan requirements. This inspection verifies structural integrity and compliance, often required for financing or resale.

Home Maintenance Book Is Included
Standard Now Book

As part of my commitment to thorough, professional home inspections in Maryland, Delaware and surrounding areas, I include a free home maintenance book to help you care for your home. Book your inspection today to receive yours with a detailed inspection report.

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